Podcast: Futureproof your framework - how to market in an economic downturn

The UK has faced its fair share of challenges in recent years, and the uncertainty is set to continue. It may feel all doom and gloom, but there’s more in the marketer’s control than you might think. So, how can you begin to build your futureproof strategy?

In this episode, Ellis Bird is joined by our media team’s Sarah Clarke, Senior Data & Strategy Director, and Nicola Daniel, Managing Partner Strategy, to understand how consumers are behaving, what this means for media budgets, and diving into the three-step framework that will help brands maintain traction with their target audience.

What we cover in this episode

  • How consumer confidence has changed
  • Why recent learnings show we’re in unchartered territory
  • What are the shifts in consumer behaviour and where do they stem from?
  • The rise in comparative searches
  • Why brands need to consider how consumer journeys may have changed and how to lean into it
  • How to make the most of your media budget and protect it for next year
  • Why staying present in difficult times can pay off in the long-term
  • Why marketers need to lean into data
  • The three-step framework to help you get started
  • Why brands need to ‘keep their pants up’

Read the white paper here

Click the links below to listen




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