PR accolades take PRide of place

We’re delighted that our PR & Social team has scooped two awards at the CIPR PRide Awards for its work with McCarthy & Stone.

We picked up Gold in the Construction and Property category and Silver in the hotly-contested Consumer category for our Takes One campaign, which explored the issue of loneliness. Our research revealed that six million older people face loneliness in the UK. However, those surveyed overwhelming agreed that small but meaningful actions could make a difference to their everyday lives. So, our campaign set out to encourage people to pledge to undertake one small act of kindness that would make an older person feel less isolated and that would help to turn the loneliness epidemic around. Activity included a high impact launch story, an online pledge wall, ‘Friendship Friday’ events held at M&S developments across the country and a supporting pen pals programme. Stakeholder outreach resulted in meetings with The Jo Cox Foundation and Age UK who are interested in follow up partnership opportunities. The team is incredibly proud of being part of a campaign that is genuinely making a difference.

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