PR & Social turn the sound on with Cotswold Outdoor

Our PR and Social team have launched a major new campaign for Cotswold Outdoor to inspire people to seek new outdoor adventures by playing on the power of the senses.

The ‘Sound On’ campaign saw the team collaborate with wildlife field recordist and sound designer Pete Smith, whose credits include the BBC and Channel 4, and double-Olympic Gold medallist, Helen Glover MBE, to identify the Top Ten Sounds of the Great British Outdoors.

The story generated extensive media coverage in the national, regional and broadcast press with 21 BBC radio interviews, including phone-in features on BBC Radio Five Live and BBC Radio Scotland. The story also made The Sunday Times and Waitrose Weekend.

The ‘Sound On’ messaging was then amplified on social media via full-screen instant experience ads and brand awareness videos, encouraging people to explore the outdoors to hear the sounds for themselves.

The videos have already driven over 600,000 views and recordings of the sounds publicised on Spotify generated 700,000 impressions. Instagram polls also amassed over 164,000 votes.

In total, the campaign helped to turn the sounds of the outdoors on for 2.1 million people. That’s worth going out for!

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