Testicular Cancer Society Highlight Your Balls
One in 250 men will develop testicular cancer every year, which is why early detection is so crucial. However, traditional self-check videos can be dull, meaning men skip them altogether. Our research proved humour's effectiveness in Testicular Cancer Awareness messaging and, to capitalise on this, we, together with FP7 McCann, developed a disruptive and witty campaign to cut through the noise during Testicular Cancer Awareness Month.
To activate the campaign, we hijacked a relatable in-game moment, such as when defenders instinctively grab their groins during free kicks, with self-check information. This helped to not only catch men’s attention at a crucial and tense moment, but it also enabled young men to learn how to perform self-checks in a new way.
The campaign achieved notable success, reaching 7.9 million viewers, and helping to increase donations to Testicular Cancer Society by a huge 338%. In addition, it has also been recognised at a range of prestigious industry awards, including securing a Silver Lion, scooping Bronze and Silver at the Media Week Awards and a Gold at The Drum Awards.